
***Prices may be adjusted depending upon the depth of editing needed.***

Pre-Editorial Review

Clients with larger projects are urged to submit manuscripts for a pre-editorial review so that the amount of work, appropriate pricing, and accurate turnaround time can be properly assessed. The fee for the pre-editorial review is waived if the client chooses to work with me, and then only the standard up-front fee of $45 to hold your place in my schedule is required (this is considered a part of the overall fee).

Pre-Editorial Review

Ø Estimated 6 hours of work, $90

Basic Editing Services


Ø Articles/short stories up to 25,000 words: $9/1,000 words

Ø Novella manuscripts, up to 65,000 words: $10/1,000 words

Ø Book manuscripts, 65,000 words and above: $12/1,000 words


Ø General articles, up to 20 pages, $65 each, $5 per page for pages beyond 20.

Ø Scholarly articles, up to 20 pages, $80 each, $5 per page for pages beyond 20.

Ø Doctoral dissertations: Prices available upon review.


Ø Fiction, up to 25,000 words, $4/1,000 words.

Ø Fiction, 25,000-65,000 words, $5/1,000 words

Ø Fiction, 65,000 words and above, $6/1,000 words

Ø Nonfiction, general, $10/2,000 words

Ø Nonfiction, scholarly, $12/2,000 words

***Substantial Editing/Rewriting

Manuscripts which require substantial editing/rewriting (this is more than just basic proofreading, copy editing, or structural editing; involves complete reworking of material, crafting something better than what exists by drafting new copy when needed, and often taking information/notes provided by the author to create additional content), due to the massive amount of work required, are billed at a much higher rate.

Substantial editing/rewriting services start at $18 per double-spaced page (or industry standard average of 250 words) of the finalized document.

Rapid Turn-around Projects

A fee of $25–$50 will be assessed for rapid-turnaround projects that are more than 20 pages in length, require extensive work in either services needed or amount of changes/corrections to be reviewed and fixed, and are requested to be returned within a less than 48-hour window.

Consulting (Fiction Projects only)

All consulting projects will be billed hourly at the rate of $30.00 per hour.